Every family can benefit from this online positive parenting course!
It can bless your family right now, as well as in generations to come.
Lead Guide Walk Beside Parenting with Purpose has been created to help you gain tools, techniques, and immediate skills you can implement TODAY!
I do not want anything, including the price of the course, to stand in the way of a parent who wants to improve parenting skills and the relationship with their children.
I understand that many of us have times when we're in difficult financial situations. Sometimes there is not enough money to meet our family's needs, let alone pay for any extra education-even if it will benefit us.
For this reason, I am offering this scholarship option.
It is simple.
1. Tell me your story (one page essay).
2. Make me an offer!
3. I will consider your offer at a discounted rate and communicate directly with you for the discount.
Start the process of gaining the skills and confidence to become a more calm and purposeful parent.
Things to consider when submitting your offer:
Throughout my experience of teaching positive parenting workshops since 2006, I have discovered that those who paid money for my expertise (put skin in the game) always took it more seriously.
When I gave it away for free, parents did not fully engage, participate, and therefore did not benefit as much as others.
This is an investment in your family and your relationships. It is worth it.
Consider, "What would a new outfit for yourself cost, or a day trip activity with your family cost after meals and admissions?"
The money you spend on this course and the information you learn isn't just for the day, it can benefit your family forever.
Email me your essay and offer today